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Kitten Sleeping in Pet Bed

Stall Application

Floating Cats

Looking for another outlet for your pet products or even that unique item that will interest our exhibitors and public??


Why not try a stand at one of our upcoming shows and see what interest you get in your products

6ft Space

1 day - 2 day

£30 or £50

Window Sale Sign

12ft Space

1 day - 2 days

£55 or £75

Happy Shopper

18ft Space

1 day - 2 days

£75 or £100

Stall Application Form

Terms & Conditions

Once booking is confirmed and paid for then monies are only refundable if the show is cancelled or restrictions mean we are not allowed to have stall holders.  Payment for the show is due 2 weeks before the show date and before this date cancellation can be done using the contact form.

Thanks for submitting!

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