Member Services
All Strictly Cats members have access to our online member pages. It is on these member pages that you will find all the forms needed for registrations and title validations
You also have access to any offers, sponsorship deals, early show information and access to our online cat storage database
Member login is only available to up to date, paid Strictly Cats members
Check out our membership page for more information
As a Strictly Cats member you can register your cats through the club. You must follow registration rules set out by Felis Britannica and FIFe, which you can see on our Rules & Regulations page. Registrations include imports, name transfer and litter registrations as well as colour changes with required paperwork.
Registrations are processed through the club and then sent to Felis Britannica for entry onto the UK FIFe database. Please remember this process, depending on the time of year, can take 4-6 weeks, as it is run by volunteers who have to do the work between job and life commitments.
All registrations can only go through your club and you cannot contact the Felis Britannica registrar directly.
If you have any questions about registering your cats with us, please just email or contact us through our Facebook page and we will endeavour to get back to you as quickly as possible.
Titles gained during any FIFe show require validation. These are validated by keeping your certificate paperwork, gained at any shows you attend. Please remember that it is your responsibility to validate your title and within a month of gaining your last certificate, as per FIFe show rules. On the validation page you will find a list of the titles available and the number of certificates required to gain this.
Validations are done by the club and can be processed quite quickly but this does depend on whether you require a rosette for your title. Rosettes do take a while to order and receive from the manufacturer so please bare with us and we will dispatch as soon as we receive them.
If you do send in validations, please message us and let us know that these have been sent, so that we can update you on it's arrival.