Welcome to our club Breeder pages
Here you will find our members cattery details and how to contact them. Each member is required to follow FIFe and Felis Britannica rules in regards to breeding and below are some of the things you should expect from our members
Every kitten cannot leave the breeder until they have had the full vaccination course
Kittens may not leave before they are 13 weeks old
Every kitten bred by our members must be issued with an original certified FIFe pedigree
Certain breeds also have mandatory genetic test requirements (full list is on the rules page under the breed)
Our members are not allowed to sell through 3rd parties
Our members are not allowed to auction cats/kittens
There are many more rules that can be found in full detail on our rules pages but these are a few that we think you should be aware of
If for any reason these rules have not been followed then you can get in contact with the Felis Britannica secretary to discuss further​