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About our Cattery

Stud Service

Fife Register Breeder of Maine Coons in Hampshire UK.
Our Maine Coon journey started in November 2020, when our beloved Moggie Panda Passed away, we weren’t looking for anything straightaway and were looking into the future but have always wanted a larger breed to add to our ever-growing animal family but came across Dominika’s Baby Picture and we were Hooked.
After Hours and Hours of research into breeding, we decided it was something we as a family would love to do. 😻
We were quickly introduced St Carlino de Sol’s Babies and ended up importing across the water and after what seemed a long wait had our two queens arrive in February 2021. 😻😻
I knew from a young age at some point in my life I would be breeding cats, since I was the age of 3 I have always had a cat in my life, then I met Matt he is a dog person so convincing him to let me have a cat took a while 6 years to be precise, after bringing a dog into our family, I soon persuading him that two kittens wouldn’t be as much work and that was that the kittens (Rusty and Panda) and puppy (Zac) got on like a house on fire, unfortunately we lost Zac at a young age and we had a little hole left for someone else and were blessed with being able to adopt 2 Bengal 8 month old kittens brothers (Goldie and Leo), I say blessed they are now 7 years old and they do not like humans 1 little bit but love Rusty and that’s all they need.
Now our Name, as you can see, we have registered with Fife with the Prefix Rusty Paws, this was because although he is a neutered Moggie Rusty will always be the King of the House.
All our breeding Maine Coon's are imported from Hungary with fantastic lineage, so we are excited to see what beautiful babies they produce and cant wait for the tiny pitter patter of paws.
Our aim is to provide you with the best and healthiest Babies, so our queens and studs are fully health tested from HCM, SMA, PKDef, FIV/FeLV & blood types, this information will be provided to all new kitten parents.
We raise our cats in our home with multiple birds, three neutered cats, children and a family who love cats as much as me.
Matt mainly works from home, so he is with them most of the time.
We can ensure you your babies will come with all the love and kisses they can take put up with.
We will be adding too are brood in 2022 with our own studs will keep you all informed 😻😻

Will Be available late 2022
Black Tabby with White

Our contact Address

Contact Numbers

Matthew Elsdon & Michelle Gillon

39 St Christophers Road





About our Cattery

Stud Service

Find us on Facebook: The Caplice Coonies & The Bobtails for details


Our contact Address

Contact Numbers

Mark & Katalin Caplice

25 Quarry Avenue





Strictly cats is an affiliated club of Felis Britannica in the UK, who are FIFe members.  We are made up of members who have a keen interest in cats whether they are pet owners or breeders.  

We run a number of shows throughout the year where cat owners can participate and have some fun.  The main aim is for people to make friends and enjoy the experience.  

All Strictly Cats members are expected to follow Felis Britannica and FIFe rules which can be found on our rules page, as well as links to their websites


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